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Nictun Borrud 2K

Description based on material supplied by the layout owner

Nictun Borrud 2K  
Elliott Cowton OO gauge 4mm scale

Our 1965-ish 3rd rail BR(S) Nictun Borrud is a layout which was based on the US Army building a branch line during World War II. Had it been built it would have come from the Meon Valley Line to Southwick House (SHAPE HQ in World War II) just behind Portsdown Hill, near Portsmouth.

As co—builder of Nictun Borrud, I liked it so much I thought I would replicate it and bring it into the 21st century based on it surviving the Dr Beeching cuts and prospering to day (and to run my modern stock). The goods yard has gone, replaced by a car sales and petrol station and the old World War II military sidings developed to house a wagon maintenance facility. The Sub Power Station has also been upgraded.


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